Thursday, October 18, 2007

How to Get Hard Abs in a Month

By []Dean Tressador

Everyone wants to know how to get hard abs! In this hectic world, exercising in our lives is often a low priority. Often people assume that for exercise to benefit it must be done for hours a day and to see results will take years. This is far from the truth. Exercise is beneficial as soon as you do it and results can be had in just one month. To learn how to get hard abs in under a month keep reading! Let's examine the role of the abdominals.

The stomach muscles help us maintain good back health, but when not exercised, they begin to atrophy and we begin to rely on other more awkward muscles to perform movements, like the lower back. Eventually the lower back is left to maintain our posture. The lower back was never meant to support the body in this way, hence the aches and pains that follow. You also begin to communicate weak and awkward body language which has social ramifications, when your abdominals are atrophied. The stomach muscles are huge and strong if healthy and can keep the rest of the body strong. Exercise can transform the stomach muscles in just days and become easily hard in less than a month. So let's look at how to get hard abs in a month. First, remember that you must want to be healthy and want to strengthen your form with exercise.

This is the key to success with any exercise routine or technique. Often people self sabotage themselves with negative thoughts, so getting your mind right about training your abs is crucial. Lets go over a typical leg raise. Lie down on the floor on your back and bend your legs slightly at the knees with your feet pointing outwards. You may put a pillow under your feet, not for support but to give you a stopping place for your leg raises. When we exercise we tend to forget about our form. The pillow will be a reminder to keep the legs in motion and not letting them rest to the floor after each rep. Then lift your legs smoothly, steadily and slowly, until you feel a pull. Breathe in and out and then release. Repeat this exercise 12 times, then rest. Do 3 sets. As you do this exercise the stomach muscles will begin to respond to the pedestrian strain you are applying to them.


Always pull the stomach in toward the back as you do these exercises. Do these exercises every day for a month and watch how amazingly hard your abs will be. Also drink plenty of water during the day and with exercise. Once you have reached the desired effect usually less than a month, maintain this exercise 3 times a week. If you would like to get a six pack in 23 days or less, buy The "Abs In 23 Days" training program. You can learn more about this award winning, abdominal pumping, fat stripping product by clicking

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